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Schwarze Geldbörse liegt auf einer Holz Packung

Geldbörse, Portemonnaie, Brieftasche und Co.

What is the difference?


Purse or wallet, wallet or purse? Which term you prefer for the storage container for notes, coins and papers is not just a question of geographical origin. Even if this is probably not irrelevant, there are certainly differences in the meaning and origin of the word.

What exactly are the differences between a purse and a wallet? Are letters actually kept in a wallet? And shouldn't a purse actually be bag-shaped?


Which term is preferred also depends on the region. In the northern half of Germany, in eastern Belgium and Luxembourg, as well as in Switzerland, the French terms Portemonnaie or Portemonee are mostly used, and sometimes also Portmonnee. This can probably be attributed to the proximity to France or French-speaking areas and is comparable to the common use of other French terms such as Trottoir=sidewalk and Billett=ticket.

In southern Germany, however, the most commonly used term is "wallet". Austrians prefer to say "money bag" or "purse". In all regions, the wallet is associated with a somewhat larger container in which, in addition to cash and cards, important documents can also be stored.

Braune Geldbörsen auf einer Spiegelplatte


As already mentioned, the term wallet comes from French. It is made up of the words porter = to carry and monnaie = money and originally referred to a bag in which cash - coins and notes - is carried. Today, the wallet is often associated with a slightly larger purse with a zipper or a flap with a snap fastener.


In the past, this actually meant a small bag that was attached to the belt filled with coins or other items for exchange. The term still bears witness to the original, sack-like shape of the purse. Today, however, it is also used for rectangular purses with coin, banknote and card compartments.


A purse is a bag for money. The term "burse" comes from Latin and means leather bag or money bag. Since the 16th century, the word stock exchange has also referred to a meeting place where traders come together to exchange goods and securities.

Mehrere schwarze Lederwaren


A wallet is a handy document folder for storing letters, identification papers, driving licenses and the like. It was only after the introduction of paper money that it was sometimes used to carry banknotes. It is usually a little larger than a DIN A6 format and fits exactly into the inside pocket of men's jackets. Since documents such as driving licenses or ID cards were converted to credit card format, the wallet has become increasingly less important.


The characteristic feature of these special wallets is the clasp: this special form of wallet reminds us of our grandmothers and the sound of the snap closure is familiar to everyone. Traditionally, the wallet consists of a large compartment for coins. Today, there are also wallets that are equipped with contemporary card compartments and a bill compartment, while at the same time retaining the vintage charm of the wallet.
Another nostalgic wallet shape for coin lovers is the so-called Viennese box. It is characterized by a coin compartment that opens particularly wide, which is intended to make it easier to search for change. The classic Viennese box is usually square and slightly smaller than a normal wallet.


Traditionally, wallets were used for documents, while purses or wallets were primarily used to carry coins. Today, the terms are increasingly used synonymously, as documents are becoming more manageable and cash is being replaced in some cases by card payments. New wallet formats such as slim wallets or mini wallets are replacing less manageable models. Those who primarily pay by card may only carry a card case with them or at least opt ​​for a wallet without a coin compartment.

 While the trend in everyday life is towards minimalism, there is one large wallet that is still indispensable in the catering industry: the waiter's wallet. This extra large wallet has a lot of compartments for coins and notes, which makes it easier to give out change quickly. They are often combined with a belt bag and attached to it with a chain.


Which wallet format is right for you depends primarily on your personal preferences. Do you want to carry more cards or mainly cash? Do you need a lot of space or do you prefer something small and handy? Today, form follows function above all else. In some cases, the trend is even going back to a small case for everyday use and a wallet for documents that are not needed every day.

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