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Leder Reinigung und Pflegemittel

Wasserflecken aus Leder entfernen

Durable, robust, dimensionally stable and colorfast: leather is the ideal material for making bags, wallets, etc. It can withstand the heaviest of stresses without fail. But when leather comes into contact with water, this super material suddenly becomes a sensitive substance: a sudden rain shower, a spilled bottle and your favorite bag is covered in unsightly water stains. Now you need to hurry! Because the stains can only be completely removed if they are treated promptly.

Hands off home remedies!

If you do some research on the Internet, you will quickly come across recommendations for using household remedies such as vinegar or onions. But be careful! These products can attack the surface of the leather and cause permanent damage or cause an unpleasant smell in the long term. We will give you the best tips on how to remove water stains from leather quickly and gently.

No matter what type of leather it is, before you start treating the leather, you should first clean it dry to carefully remove dust and dirt. It is best to use a dry, clean cloth or a soft leather brush for this. Then you can begin.


How to dry leather properly

Proper drying is just as important as cleaning the leather properly. Never expose your leather accessories to dry air from a heater or direct sunlight. The former dries out the leather and makes it brittle, or in the worst case, fragile and cracked. Leather fats and tanning salts can also come to the surface, which can damage the leather.

The latter can lead to unsightly discoloration of the leather surface.

To help the leather dry a little faster and keep its shape, you can line your leather accessory with newspaper. You can help it along a little with a hairdryer. But only use a cold dryer and don't get too close to the leather, as too hot air from a hairdryer can dry out the leather and make it brittle.

Pampering program: Caring for leather

Regular cleaning of your leather accessories is important - regardless of water and dirt stains. After each cleaning, however, you should pamper the leather with a rich care product so that it remains beautiful and supple. Compare it to the daily care of your skin. This is unavoidable. But afterwards, your skin will appreciate an extra portion of moisture. To find the right care, pay attention to the type of leather in question or seek advice from a specialist shop.

Proper prevention: waterproofing leather

To ensure that water stains don't stand a chance, the leather needs to be well waterproofed . It's best to waterproof your leather accessories immediately after purchase and repeat the process regularly after each cleaning. This way, your favorite accessories will stay beautiful for a long time!

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